Czech Republic

How to get to Cesky Krumlov from Prague: bus and other options

View of Cesky Krumlov from the castle
View of Cesky Krumlov from the castle

One of the most recommended excursions you can do in your trip to Prague is to go to Cesky Krumlov.

It is a beautiful medieval city that is declared Heritage awarded by the Unesco, which is located 170 kilometers south of the Czech capital.

Therefore, it will be very useful for you to know what options you have to get to Cesky Krumlov from the capital of the Czech Republic.

The most common among those who love visit Cesky Krumlov is to hire a tour in spanish with a local agency, so that in a 10 hour excursion You will be able to get to know this beautiful Czech city.

Tour to Cesky Krumlov from Prague

You will leave Prague at 9 in the morning, and when you arrive at Cesky Krumlov you will make one tour accompanied by a guide in spanishl.

You will visit the main corners of the Old City and you will also have the option of visit Cesky Krumlov castle , whose entrance you will buy separately.

You will be back in Prague at 19 p.m.

Here you have the information about the Tour to Cesky Krumlov.

Cesky Krumlov in Czech Republic
Cesky Krumlov in Czech Republic

How to get by bus from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

Now, if you prefer to do this excursion from Prague on your own, you have the option of ir by line bus to Cesky Krumlov, for which the following information will be useful to you.

If you sign up for this option, you should know that you have a wide range of buses between Prague and Cesky Krumlov, with frequencies at certain times of the day for each average.

Buses from various companies, among which stands out Student Agency, take from 2,45 hours to 3,15 hours to make the journey, and most of them pass through the small medieval town of Ceske Budejovice.

For go to Cesky Krumlov Buses leave from 6,20:8 in the morning (in case you want to get up early...), and to return to Prague, you have buses until XNUMX at night.

Cesky Krumlov in Czech Republic
Cesky Krumlov in Czech Republic

El bus ticket price It varies depending on the schedule, ranging from 7 euros to 14 euros each way.

The most advisable is buy your tickets in advance of your trip, especially if you plan to go to Cesky Krumlov on a weekend or during the high tourist season.

Of course, keep in mind that depending on the company and schedule you hire, their buses leave at different times. Prague bus stations.

How to drive to Cesky Krumlov from Prague

To go on your own, you also have the option of rent a car to make this getaway from Prague.

Viaduct at Cesky Krumlov Castle
Viaduct at Cesky Krumlov Castle

Cesky Krumlov It is located in the southwest of the Czech Republic, very close to the German and Austrian borders.

From Prague, you must go south, and you must travel 176 kilometers in just over two hours.

But due to its geographical location, the possibility of visit Cesky Krumlov You can also consider it as an excursion on your trip to other large European cities.

So can go to Cesky Krumlov from Vienna. To do this you have to go north; It is 260 kilometers and will take 3 hours 10 minutes.

You also have the option of go from Munich. In this case you will go southeast, and you will travel 292 kilometers in 3 and a half hours.

Cesky Krumlov Castle in Czech Republic
Cesky Krumlov Castle in Czech Republic

When you arrive by road to this beautiful medieval town, you can access it in several ways, but to have the most spectacular entrance, you must leave your car in the parking lots that are reached directly on the road that comes from Prague.

This leads you to enter under the impressive bridge-aqueduct that unites the two parts of the Cesky Krumlov castle located at the top of two promontories.

Through this entrance, you will find yourself on a bridge that crosses the río Moldava towards the town, and to the left, at the top, you will discover the castle tower.

If you arrive in the middle of the afternoon, due to the orientation of the sun, the views will be spectacular and very photogenic.

And once inside the town, you can only enjoy a walk through its streets and corners, and go up to visit the castle.

Map: how to get to Cesky Krumlov

Cesky Krumlov is two hours by car from the city of Prague.


About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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  • Student Agency is not bad but with FlixBus it costs 9 euros and there are buses every day. In 2015 the Flixbus buses did not go to Cesky Krumlov but now they do, and I think they are much better and worth trying at least once. If anyone wants to take a look

  • Checking the schedules on the bus website indicates that the duration of the round trip and the return trip is 2:55 hrs.

  • On Google Maps it says that the distance by car is two and a half hours, so I doubt it will be an hour and three quarters by bus.

  • You talk about an hour and three-quarters journey but all the buses I have found take 3 hours!

    How am I doing in 3/4 hour?

    • Marta, you have the schedules in the text of the post itself, from 7 in the morning, every two hours. And on the official Student Agency website you can, if you wish, make the reservation online 🙂

  • Hello, I have bought bus tickets to go to Cesky Krumlov, but the only thing I have now are some locators that they have given me. Is it enough for us to show up on the bus with those locators written down on a sheet of paper?

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