Spain Navarre

How to visit Santa María la Real in Olite (Navarra): schedules

Gothic church of Santa María in Olite in Navarra
Gothic church of Santa María in Olite in Navarra
What to see on your visit to the church of San María la Real de Olite, in Navarra, where its imposing Gothic façade stands out: photos, history

There is no doubt that in Navarra there are many corners with great artistic wealth.

Thus, one of the surprises that you are going to find in your essential Olite visit, during a trip through the south of Navarra, Is the church of Santa María la Real.

You are definitely going to visit this one. medieval village attracted by the great fame of his castle, which as you will see during your visit, is actually an old Royal Palace.

But wall to wall, and with their respective entrances only separated by a portico, you will discover the imposing and beautiful façade of the aforementioned church, whose origins date back to the 12th century.

La church of Santa María de Olite is an example of Gothic architecture. It is a building that does not hide the influence of the French workshops, whose best example is its very beautiful façade.

In front of it you will find an archway that serves the purpose of extolling the importance of its spectacular façade.

Under a large rose window you will find the large doorway with eight archivolts with plant decoration. On both sides of the cover you have reliefs with the figures of the apostles, arranged in arches.

For its part, the tympanum of the cover shows the Virgin as the main figure, around which various scenes develop.

In short, an artistic corner that is well worth stopping to appreciate before entering the church.

Inside, in this Olite church You will find a single nave with a clear Gothic style configuration. There the greatest artistic attraction is found in the great renaissance altarpiece XNUMXth century.

There are two figures that stand out. On the one hand, a gothic carving from the 14th century Madonna and Child, and on the other, at the top, the image of the Christ of the Good Death, also a Gothic work from the same century.

Access alley to the church of Santa María la Real in Olite
Access alley to the church of Santa María la Real in Olite

Photos Santa María la Real church in Olite

In advance of your visit, below you have a gallery of photos of the church of Santa María la Real de Olite in Navarra.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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  • Hello, I wanted to know when it is best to travel to Navarra and if one weekend is enough to get to know the most important things or if it is better to go for more days. From already thank you very much. Greetings.

    • Spring and summer are good times to visit Navarra, and one weekend is not enough to get to know the essentials. In 2/3 days you can visit an area, such as, for example, the Navarrese Pyrenees, or the Olite/Tudela area /Bardenas

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