
How to get from Barajas airport T4 to Atocha by train (Madrid)

Commuter train from Madrid to Terminal T4 of Barajas airport
Commuter train from Madrid to Terminal T4 of Barajas airport

A good alternative to public transport to go from the center of Madrid to the Barajas airport es el commuter train

This service usually departs from the station Prince Pio and after passing through the stations Atocha y Chamartín, so that it connects the city center with the Terminal 4 of said airport.

Furthermore, this line of Nearby trains de Renfe allows you to go to Barajas airport from any of the stations Renfe not only of Madrid, but also of the surrounding towns.

If you live in a town around the capital, you can get there by Renfe surroundingsFor example, to stations Atocha o Chamartín, and there connect with the T4 airport train that makes the journey between said terminal and the station Prince Pio, going through the aforementioned.

And if you live in the city center, from any of these stations or the Recollects o Nuevos Ministerios, you can arrive with the Airport train line.

Barajas Airport T4 train schedules, frequencies and prices

The T4 airport commuter train schedules They start at 6 in the morning, with frequency every half hour until 12 midnight.

What concerns to how long does the commuter train take to get to airport T4, we tell you that since Prince Pio you will arrive at said terminal from Madrid airport in 38 minutes; from Atocha, in 25 minutes; and from Nuevos Ministerios, in 18 minutes.

Príncipe Pío Station in Madrid
Príncipe Pío Station in Madrid

Now, from Chamartín you arrive at T4 of the airport in just 11 minutes.

La frequency of commuter trains to T4 is every half hour, and they become the best option to go to said airport terminal If you previously need to use a local train, the same ticket will work for you without having to pay a surcharge.

But also, with the service at full capacity, it is a very interesting alternative if from the most central areas of the city you need to go to T4, both due to the speed of travel and the price of the ticket.

Currently, the commuter train ticket price in Madrid If you take it at any of the city stations it is 1,70 euros.

Instead, for go by Metro to the airport You have to pay the price of the ticket (from 1,50 to 2 euros if it is single; 1,22 euros if you have a voucher Metrobus of ten trips), plus the airport supplement price which costs 3 euros.

Commuter trains in Madrid
Commuter trains in Madrid

That is, in total at least 4,22 euros, so the T4 airport commuter train is a cheaper option.

I remind you that you also have the option of Express bus to the airport which It costs 5 euros, and leaves the station Atocha going through the Plaza de Cibeles.

Train, metro or bus to go to Barajas T4 airport

When it comes to asking yourself if is it worth taking the commuter train, compared to the options of Metro or the bus, without a doubt it is the best solution if you go to T4.

If instead you go to the other terminals (T1-T2-T3), although in the airport you have a service free bus that connects the terminals, it will undoubtedly be faster to use the Metro or the bus.

Metro at Madrid airport
Metro at Madrid airport

Now, I'm going to tell you a little trick to save when going to the airport if you live somewhere. town around the capital.

Since you already have to take the local train, you will pay almost half if you go to T4 and then use the aforementioned free bus.

Of course, due to the aforementioned frequency of every 30 minutes of the trains that go to T4 (I think it is a very rare frequency for this service), it is highly advisable that check the schedules from the station where you plan to transfer, in order to avoid missing it for a few minutes.

Where is the commuter train station at T4 airport

When go to Madrid from T4, it is good for you to know that in this terminal of the capital's airport, the Renfe you find it next to the Metro, in the basement of it, and the trains leave at the hour and half hour.

If you narrowly miss a train, and you don't want to wait for the next one, you always have the option of using the Metro.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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  • I have to go from Atocha to T4 every time it leaves, how can I get the ticket on Atocha to T4, I'm going from Malaga.

  • I arrive by plane to T4 and I want to go downtown by metro. What tickets should I get from the machine if I want 10 trips around Madrid?

  • On June 10, 2016 we have to take the flight to Rome at (departure time) 7.05:XNUMX am. What time do we have to be at the airport? We will appreciate your response.
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