
Where and when to see the Goyaesque Carrillón Plus Ultra in Madrid

Goyesque carillon Plus Ultra, formerly Groupama, in Madrid
Goyesque carillon Plus Ultra, formerly Groupama, in Madrid

In your tourist walk through the center of Madrid, In the Plaza de las Cortes You find a corner that arouses the curiosity of many passers-by every day during the Christmas season.

This is the chime located on the façade of the building of Plus Ultra Insurance.

This building and carillon until the end of 2012 belonged to the French group Groupama, which was integrated into the company Catalan Insurance who later decided to recover the brand Plus Ultra Seguros.

Where to see the Goyesque carillon of Plus Ultra

El Plus Ultra Chime (Groupama) It has been installed since December 1993 just in front of the Hotel Palace.

If you pass by this area any day, for example, at 12 or 20 p.m., you will be surprised by the sound of the bells as soon as it starts operating.

This chime It follows the tradition that exists in many cities in Central Europe where curious and attractive carillons operate and become a prominent tourist attraction.

As an example, this would be the case of Astronomical Clock Carillon of the Prague Town Hall Tower.

Inaugurated by the Infanta Doña Pilar de Borbón, is the only one in Spain with moving parts.

When you see the carillon in operation, after an initial sound of the bells, you will see that five figures of goyaesque style which have been designed by Antonio Mingote, and that represent the King Charles III, Goya, Duchess of Alba, bullfighter Pedro Romero y Manola.

Carrillon Plus Ultra Schedules

The Hours of operation of the Carrillon Plus Ultra in the Christmas They are every day at 12, 15, 18 and 20 p.m. On December 24 and 31, it also operates 24 hours a day

In short, a curious and pleasant corner to visit during the Christmas holidays.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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