Spain Estremadura

What tapas and typical portions to eat in Plasencia

Patatero, typical Extremaduran tapa
Patatero, typical Extremaduran tapa

During your visit to Plasencia, riding a Estremadura, to enjoy the Extremaduran gastronomy Maybe you prefer to eat tapas rather than sit at a table in a restaurant.

If so, I am going to recommend several typical tapas what can you eat in Plasencia and where you can do it.

In the Plaza Mayor of Plasencia, on its north side, almost opposite the Town Hall, you have the Spanish Bar, an establishment founded in 1920. Here you can taste the popcorn (Russian salad on wheat crust) and the kiko blood sausage (typical slaughterhouse tapa with liver onions).

In addition, you have a wide range of typical portions of this area of Estremadura.

Very close to this bar, as you exit, on the right, in the adjacent alley known as Calle de los Vidrieros, is the cafeteria restaurant Juice, where in addition to being able to taste tasty Valencian paella tapas, you can also try the Extremaduran zorongollo (tapa of potatoes, pepper, ham and onion).

And another recommendation is to go to the bar The Pitarra del Gordo, located on the east side of the main square of Plasencia.

Here the typical cover is potato (chorizo, cooked potato, pork fat, garlic and salt), of which there is also a version prepared with pumpkin, the gourd. You can accompany these tapas with native and strong Pitarra wine, served directly from the clay barrels.

Bar La Pitarra del Gordo in the Plaza Mayor of Plasencia in Extremadura
Bar La Pitarra del Gordo in the Plaza Mayor of Plasencia in Extremadura

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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  • You can change La Pitarra del Gordo for any other bar… The disastrous service, we left 40 minutes after ordering the tapas and without having served them after complaining 4 times…

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