Castilla y Leon Spain

This is the visit to the Paco Díez Museum in Mucientes (Valladolid): schedules

Paco Díez museum classroom in Mucientes in the province of Valladolid
Paco Díez museum classroom in Mucientes in the province of Valladolid

While a museum of traditional music instruments In the first instance it might seem like something unattractive to visit, I can tell you that the visit of the Mucientes museum It is an original and very entertaining experience.

I was able to verify this during a recent trip through the province of Valladolid in which I had the opportunity to discover the Paco Díez Museum Classroom in the aforementioned town very close to the capital.

Although the traditional music, and specifically the Spanish one, has always attracted me, and the interpretations of the folklorist Joaquin Diaz have remained in the soundtrack of my youth, the truth is that I had not had the opportunity to meet Paco Diez.

And this despite the fact that he has been dedicated to the dissemination of Iberian music since 1978, performing with traditional instruments such as the hurdy-gurdy, almond and bagpipes.

His musical career has made him one of the main exponents of Jewish-Spanish music, in addition to being the main voice and one of the promoters of the group The Bazanca, dedicated to disseminating the traditional music of Castilla y León.

Traditional musical instruments in the Paco Díez de Mucientes museum

The museum that Paco Diez has installed in Mucient It is the result of a lifetime of collecting traditional musical instruments.

Dedicated to those of Iberian origin, that is, from Spain and Portugal, in two large rooms up to 450 traditional instruments grouped into four families.

Thus, during your visit to this original museum you will be able to see idiophones, such as castanets, rattles, rattles or bottles with grooves; chordophones, like the guitar, the ravel, the hurdy-gurdy or the violin.

Also instruments membraphones, like the tambourine, the drum or the zambomba; and aerophones, like the horn, flutes and bagpipes.

As a complement, in another room you have a curious collection of bagpipes.

What is the visit to the Paco Díez de Mucientes museum like?

When you arrive in Mucientes, don't expect to pay a visit standard, looking at the shelves, or listening to a guide's lecture.

A first great value of these museum classroom visits is that they are carried out directly by himself Paco Diez, and that is its great attraction.

Paco Díez museum classroom in Mucientes in the province of Valladolid
Paco Díez museum classroom in Mucientes in the province of Valladolid

During a tour of an hour, more or less (it will depend on your involvement in it), Paco Diez It will show you the different families of instruments.

He will also tell you the origin and use of some of them, but also interpreting their sounds with his virtuoso skill.

Hence the name classroom-museum.

In this way, the visit to the Paco Díez museum classroom will become a real musical experience, during which you will possibly end up singing pastoral songs or romances of knights and maidens.

In this regard, I advise you to be sure to watch the short videos that accompany this article.

Paco Díez museum visit schedules in Mucientes

Yes, you are peculiar and attractive Museum visits are by appointment only (tel 983 597 640 – 649 807 506) for minimum groups of 20 people, with a entry price 10 euros per person.

For visit the museum and see its large collection of traditional instruments, you have the option of attending one of the various music concerts that throughout the year organizes Paco Diez in his museum classroom.

And specifically in summer, from June to August, concerts take place in the patio.

One hour before the celebration of these concerts, the instrument exhibition rooms open to the public, which you can tour.

If you have the opportunity to visit this original museum, you will surely not regret it.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.

1 Comment

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  • Thanks, teacher . I was in Europe in 2004 for about four months, but I was amazed by the sanfona that you performed in this video.
    There are always new instrument researches. I tell you that I made recordings on 8 mm video and I still watch them and I always discover something that I didn't see or investigate.
    I am an amateur researcher, I work with a lot of love and I have a small collection.
    Because I was a percussionist in the National Symphony Orchestra I found and have played exotic instruments.
    I also tell you that I was a flutist and teacher.
    I have a small collection now.
    Years ago in Argentina. Where I live, I heard a sanfona and I didn't hear it again until today in its video.
    Proud to hear it teacher. Congratulations, thank you

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