
Chopin concerts in Lazienki Park (Warsaw)

Chopin open-air concerts in Warsaw's Lazienki Park
Chopin open-air concerts in Warsaw's Lazienki Park

Would you like to listen to a concert piano with Chopin music during your Warsaw visit, riding a Poland?

Because in the Lazienki Royal Park so listen free un Chopin concert every Sunday from May to August, just like Warsaw residents do during the summer.

Maybe you don't know that Frederick Chopin He is considered the most famous Warsaw. Especially during the first part of his life he was closely linked to the Polish capital, where he was born, studied music and gave his first concerts.

Specifically, his life in warsaw to a large extent it developed in various places of so-called Royal Route, long succession of avenues that connects the royal castle located in the Warsaw Old Town with the set of palaces and parks of Wilanow, which is already outside the city of Warsaw.

Thus, he lived in saski palace, which was destroyed during the Second World War and of which only an arch remains where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Open-air Chopin concerts in Warsaw's Lazienki Park
Open-air Chopin concerts in Warsaw's Lazienki Park

With his parents he also resided in Kazimierzowski palace, which is now a headquarters of the University of Warsaw. as well as in the Czapski palace, where the Academy of Fine Arts.

In the aforementioned Royal Route, not far from the most central area of ​​the Polish capital, is the Lazienki Royal Park, a large garden that houses a palace complex. In reality, it is one of the largest complexes of parks and palaces in Europe.

Chopin Monument

There you can also see the Monument to Frederick Chopin which was inaugurated in 1926 and has become one of the symbols of the city of Warsaw.

Chopin Monument in Lazienki Park in Warsaw
Chopin Monument in Lazienki Park in Warsaw

And it is precisely at the foot of this monument when each Sunday During the spring and summer, Chopin concerts are held outdoors.

If you go at 12 in the morning or 4 in the afternoon, you will see the undoubtedly symbolic nature of these concerts, which bring together hundreds of Warsaw residents and which are an unavoidable event for tourists, as was the case with me during my recent trip to warsaw.

This garden and palace complex Located near the city center, it dates back to the second half of the 17th century, although most of the buildings were built in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Open-air Chopin concerts in Warsaw's Lazienki Park
Open-air Chopin concerts in Warsaw's Lazienki Park

Until the 20s, the park was closed to the inhabitants of Warsaw.

Today, the various palaces of the Royal Lazienki Park They are used by different cultural institutions, and host exhibitions and concerts.

Island Palace in Lazienki Park in Warsaw
Island Palace in Lazienki Park in Warsaw

The most notable building is the one called island palace, one of the icons of Warsaw.

Located on an island surrounded by canals, Polish kings used to have grand receptions, but now when you go to the island palace, if you wish you can navigate in some gondolas that cross the canals that surround it.

Gondolas on the canals of Warsaw's Lazienki Park
Gondolas on the canals of Warsaw's Lazienki Park

Of course, Royal Lazienki Park You will not be able to ride a bicycle, and if you go with children, they will not be able to use skates. It is prohibited so as not to scare away the squirrels that you will see very easily, or the peacocks.

In short, if your visit to the Polish capital coincides with a Sunday from May to August, you already know, at 12 in the morning or 4 in the afternoon you have your appointment with the Chopin concert. This way you will experience the great interest that the famous Polish musician arouses among his fellow citizens.

Palace in Lazienki Park in Warsaw
Palace in Lazienki Park in Warsaw

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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