
How to get from the airport to the center of Oslo: all options

Flytoget Express Train from Airport to Oslo City Center
Flytoget Express Train from Airport to Oslo City Center

In your trip to oslo, you have several options to get from the airport to the city center, but the fastest and our favorite is the Express train Flytoget.

In this high-speed train, the only one currently serving in Norway.

This train takes you from Oslo airport to city center and some other surrounding areas.

How far from Oslo is the airport?

You should know that the main airport in Oslo is in Gardermoen, about 50 kilometers north of the Norwegian capital.

Another airport that you can reach is Moss Rygge, located 66 kilometers southeast of the capital.

And another alternative is the Torp Sandefjord airport, but this is already 110 kilometers from the city.

What advantages does the Oslo Airport Express Flytoget train have?

Without a doubt the aforementioned Express train Flytoget is Fastest way to get from the airport to the center of Oslo, since it only takes 19 minutes to reach the Central Station from the Norwegian capital.

Flytoget Express Train from Airport to Oslo City Center
Flytoget Express Train from Airport to Oslo City Center

And it is also a very comfortable option, since you have areas to leave your suitcases and you even have a Wi-Fi connection.

La Express train service frequency It is during the day only every 10 minutes, and first thing in the morning, last thing in the afternoon, Saturdays and Sundays, every 20 minutes.

Of course, it is not cheap, because the express train price It is 210 crowns (21 euros) each way, and there is no discount for purchasing a round-trip ticket.

There is a reduced rate of 105 crowns (10,40 euros) from which children and young people up to 20 years old, pensioners +67 and students up to 31 years old benefit.

El Oslo Airport Express train ticket is free for children under 16 years old.

Flytoget Express Train from Airport to Oslo City Center
Flytoget Express Train from Airport to Oslo City Center

How to go by regional train from the airport to Oslo

If you are looking for a cheaper transportation option, you have the NSB regional trains, which are undoubtedly an interesting alternative for their price.

With a frequency of every 30 minutes, this train takes about 23 minutes, and the price of the ticket is 114 crowns (11 euros), almost half that of the express train.

How to go by bus from the airport to Oslo

The alternative of Flybussen buses It has the problem that it already takes between 40 minutes and an hour.

With a frequency of every 20 minutes, these Oslo airport buses They have several stops in the city center.

Specifically, in hotels Radisson Blu Scandinavia y Clarion Royal Christiania and the central bus station.

Furthermore, the price of the ticket is similar to that of the express train, 199 crowns.

Private transfer between airport and Oslo

You also have the option of private transfer between airport and Oslo center, in a car up to three people or in a minivan up to 6 people.

Here all the information and you can make the reservation of this service.

Taxi from airport to Oslo

Finally you have the option of a taxi, the price of which is around 220-250 crowns, and can be an interesting option if four people are traveling.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.

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  • My flight from Paris on Saturday, September 8, arrives at Oslo airport at 23 p.m. I want to know if there is train transportation after this time and how much a taxi for 3 people would cost me to the Hotel Bondeheimen on Rosenkrantz gate 8 Oslo 0159

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