
Guided tours of Palazzo Vecchio (Florence): all options

Monumental Rooms in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence
Monumental Rooms in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

In your tourist trip to Florence, In the Italian Tuscany, when you are going to do the essential visit of the Palazzo Vecchio, in the historic and central Signoria square, I advise you to sign up for a guided visit.

This is, without a doubt, the best way to delve into the history of this spectacular palace.

Throughout the year you have the possibility of doing the visit of the Palazzo Vecchio in a group with tour guide in different languages, and with a duration of about 50 minutes.

These visits are carried out by guides from a cultural entity attached to said museum institution, but if you want to do them in Spanish, they are only available during high season dates with a large influx of tourists and with very specific schedules.

Here you can check the availability of these guided tours of the Palazzo Vecchio.

Guided tours of the Palazzo Vecchio in Spanish

Now, you have another option to, in advance of your trip, ensure the guided tour with guide in Spanish, if you sign up for this visit two hours long in which you will tour the main rooms and artistic corners of this palace.

Once you have finished the tour with the tour guide, you have the possibility of taking a new tour of the different rooms of the palace on your own in order to enjoy their great artistic beauty with more peace of mind.

These guided tours take place every day of the year at 11 in the morning, and the price already includes reserved skip-the-line entry, as well as headphones if the group ultimately has more than 15 people.

Here you have more information and you can reserve the guided tours of the Palazzo Vecchio in Spanish.

Secret Itineraries of the Palazzo Vecchio in Spanish

But Palazzo Vecchio It also hides beautiful corners that you can see on a very special visit.

In my last one, in addition to performing the standard guided tour, I signed up for the guided tour of the Secret Itineraries of the Palazzo Vecchio.

Also known as the visit of the secret passages, allows you to expand your knowledge of the history of Palazzo Vecchio and the Republic of Florence, as well as seeing some very special corners.

At all times of the year they organize guided tours in Spanish of the Secret Itineraries, and to carry them out, it is advisable book it in advance online.

This guided tour begins sitting in the Great Hall of the Cinquecento, where the tour guide makes a long introduction in which you have a didactic approach to the history of the thriving Republic of Florence in the Middle Ages, specifically, with the domain of the Medici family.

Next, after opening a hidden door in the large living room itself, you will access several small rooms where you can see truly splendid decoration.

That is the case of Study of Francis I or the Map Cabinet Room.

They are small rooms that require these guided tours to be limited to groups of no more than 12 people.

The tour of the Secret Itineraries of the Palazzo Vecchio ends up going up to a place from where you can see in detail the framework of the great engineering work that is the ceiling of the Cinquecento Hall.

With the help of a model, and seeing it directly, you can check how it is arranged.

As a curiosity, I will tell you that 25 trestles alternately support the real roof and a false lattice, so that the tremendous weight of this great roof is compensated.

This tour It lasts an hour and a quarter, and is a recommended complement, especially if you want to delve deeper into the history of the Florentine Republic.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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