
Tips for driving on roads in Scotland (our experience)

Narrow stretch of road in the Scottish Highlands
Narrow stretch of road in the Scottish Highlands

Yes alright in England is a really extensive road and highway network and very well signposted that allows you drive without problems during your tourist trip, the situation in Scotland it is something different.

Actually, as you go towards the north of Scotland, you will only have one highway, the one that takes you to the west Glasgow and brings you closer Edinburgh.

Of course, up to the height of the two great capitals of Scotland, you also find Highways in fairly good condition.

Tips for traveling by car in Scotland

That is the case of the one you will go through if you have decided go up to Edinburgh along the east coast, with long stretches of highway in the vicinity of the capital of Scotland.

What is traffic like in Scotland?

And, in general, in a car trip through scotland you will not find problems excessive traffic.

On the contrary, from my experience of a trip in august In tourist areas of Scotland, I can say that traffic is remarkably scarce.

But if you want go up towards the Highlands (Highlands) from Scotland, the panorama is different.

What are the roads like in Scotland?

Practically the majority of the routes run along two-way roads, which, in general, are in good condition and, as is characteristic of the entire road network in the United Kingdom, very well signposted.

Road on the Isle of Skye in Scotland
Road on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

To highlight the specific signage of all the places of tourist interest, so in Scotland It's going to be very difficult for you."lose you” when locating a town, castle or outstanding landscape.

When you travel through the Scottish Highlands, and you have become accustomed to driving on two-way roads, the problem arises when traveling on roads that surround lakes or go up through somewhat mountainous areas.

Of course, in Scotland you will not find high mountain roads, like the Alps.

In certain stretches of Scottish roads you will be surprised by winding routes and narrow roads.

QuThese are the passing places of Scotland

And specifically, along sections so narrow that only one vehicle can fit; although, at least, they are sections with a succession of paved side spaces, marked as passing place, which you must use to cross paths with other vehicles.

Passing place section of road in Scotland
Passing place section of road in Scotland

When you travel through the highlands of Scotland, sometimes it can give you the feeling that the roads are being conditioned and improved by budget leaps. I explain.

How to drive around Scotland

You can be driving on a two-lane road, well marked and relatively wide, and suddenly you will enter a winding section in poor condition, which quickly becomes a stretch of passing place, In two kilometers it will once again be a wide, well-paved road.

In short, it is a matter of being attentive and getting used to it.

But due to the difficulty this entails when overtaking, it is common to find signs reminding slow vehicles to let other faster vehicles pass.

Cyclists on the road in Scotland
Cyclists on the road in Scotland

Speed ​​limits and radars in Scotland

Another aspect to take into account is the speed limitations, not always well indicated, but to which you should be very attentive,

As in the rest of Britain, the radars They are hyper-abundant, although always warned in advance and clearly shown with brightly colored devices.

In Scotland, especially in the Highlands, Signage will be in English and Gaelic, the local language, very different from English.

Likewise, there are areas in which we are warned of the possibility of finding animals on the road, such as deer or sheep.

You have to be very attentive to these warnings because they are very common.

Scotland road signs
Scotland road signs

In short, in addition to having to get used to drive with the steering wheel on the right in the rental car, and always (don't forget...) on the left on roads and roundabouts, when travel through scotland You will also have to spend a period getting used to driving on two-way roads, which are not always in perfect condition.

And also calculate well the available spaces in the passing place.

And if it stops travel through scotland you plan to use a rental car, I recommend reading the article with the tips for renting a car for your trip through England and Scotland.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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  • Good article. The only thing to note is that in British cars the steering wheel is located on the right, not the left.

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