United States

Where to see John Lennon's Strawberry Fields in New York

Strawberry Fields in Central Park in New York
Strawberry Fields in Central Park in New York

On your visit to the great park in Manhattan Central Park during your trip to New York, there is an iconic place that attracts hundreds of visitors every day.

This is the monument dedicated to John Lennon, who was murdered in New York in 1980.

This memorial known as Strawberry Fields It was built five years later.

As you can see in the photos that accompany this short article, the John Lennon memorial It is configured as a large circular mosaic, which you find in one of the entrances to Central Park, the one located closest to the dakota building

This apartment building is where the famous artist lived, and the specific place chosen to install the monument was a corner that was once very frequented by the artist himself. John Lennon.

I remind you that the name of the memorial refers to one of the most famous songs of the beatless, Strawberry Fields Forever, which was published in 1967, and which deals with the nostalgia of his early years in Liverpool.

But also, in this monument tribute to John Lennon, in the center of the mosaic you can see the word written Imagine, which reminds us of possibly the most charismatic song of Lennon.

Strawberry Fields in Central Park in New York
Strawberry Fields in Central Park in New York

Before your visit, I can tell you that this place is usually full of tourists, who try to take a photo in front of the mosaic, which is normally decorated with flowers left by visitors.

This is an appropriate visit for when you go to see the American Museum of Natural History, one of the most recommended to see on your trip to New York.

Where to see Strawberry Fields in Central Park

In this plane of Central Park you have the location of John Lennon memorial, which you find very close to the aforementioned door in front of the dakota building.

If you go by metro, you have to get off at the station 72nd St Station.

About the Author

José Luis Sarralde

Journalist and traveler throughout his life, José Luis Sarralde is the founder of Guías Viajar, where since 2008 he has been capturing his travel experiences around the world, specializing in cultural and scenic destinations in Spain and Europe.


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  • I was there in May 2015...I felt a great emotion, I remembered moments lived with the music of the Beatles and especially Lennon, with the great love of my life who is no longer with me...My soul was saddened!!! I am from Argentina and I dreamed of being in that place and my dream came true!

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