United States

The best things to see in Albuquerque (New Mexico) in one day

Hermitage of San Felipe Neri in Albuquerque in New Mexico
Hermitage of San Felipe Neri in Albuquerque in New Mexico

Our next stage in the Coast to coast trip through the United States leads us to Gallup, almost 500 kilometers from Yellow.

We are already entering the mythical American West, that our unconscious reminds us of Indian tribes.

They are wide, beautiful, generous and even wild landscapes. The roads are endless, with long straight lines to the horizon, and followed by another equal straight line to the next horizon.

The entire route is following the historic Route 66, which sometimes becomes the interstate highway.

The landscape is semi-desert, beautiful, flat, with red mounds and hills, in a first approximation to the landscapes of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado.

For many miles we found few service areas, although I have appeared in many of them, specifically in Flying P. Ranch, Clines Corners and in Indian Village.

Conclusion establishments run by native Indians, the majority Navajo, but also from other ethnic groups (Apache, Comanche and some others), who sell a multitude of objects of their crafts, of which goldsmithing with turquoise stones stands out.

Souvenir at Native Indian Service Area on Route 66 in New Mexico
Souvenir at Native Indian Service Area on Route 66 in New Mexico

This semi-desert landscape is also very sparsely populated, with few villages in sight. What can be seen is very simple in nature.

These service areas of the interstate highway seem like centers of tribute to the native Indians of North America (in addition to their commercial nature...) who were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands, greatly decimated and who have lost the essence of their life. It's sad.

What to see in Albuquerque

We have stopped for about five hours in Alburquerque, a city that takes its name from the homonymous of Extremadura.

Albuquerque in New Mexico
Albuquerque in New Mexico

It is the largest city in state of new mexico, but not its capital, which is the city of Santa Fe.

Alburquerque It has a population of more than half a million inhabitants and was founded in 1706 by Spanish colonizers, and still retains some aspects of that Spanish cultural and historical heritage.

In Albuquerque, during the month of October, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, the largest concentration of balloons in the world.

We have toured the city, first by car and then on foot. Initially, the modern area of ​​the city, where we ate in a very nice pizzeria.

The food served buffet style was very good, well prepared and the pizza was very crispy.

Albuquerque Congress and Exhibition Palace in New Mexico
Albuquerque Congress and Exhibition Palace in New Mexico

We also visited the Congress and Exhibition Palace, which had a lot of activity and various exhibitions.

Then by car we headed to the Old City of Albuquerque, with strong Mexican and Spanish reminiscences, both in aesthetic aspects and in the type of food and crafts (ceramics, galleries,...).

We were walking there for a couple of hours and in the Plaza Mayor we saw a hermitage very old dedicated to Saint Philip Neri.

The feeling that this city has left us is that it would be very pleasant to live in, and that sometime in one of our lives we will come to reside here for a long time.

Historic Route 66 through Albuquerque in New Mexico
Historic Route 66 through Albuquerque in New Mexico

Now we are in the mythical west. Great feeling of spaciousness, long, quiet roads, few vehicles, peace, harmony.

The road is alive and the road is life and it was alive. There are roads and there are detours, there is hard and wild land. There is soul. And everything is beautiful, very beautiful!!!

Sun and heat: about 35º; with rain, temperatures drop to 19/20º.


In addition to being able to follow the different stages of the coast-to-coast road trip through the United States and Canada through the blog, you have the possibility of having all the information compiled in a single document. To do this, download the ebook book “18118 kilometers through the United States and Canada”.


I invite you to follow the chronicle of this great road trip travel from coast to coast through the United States and Canada.

About the Author

Salvador Samaranch

Salvador is a great traveler and collaborator of Guías Viajer, where with a series of articles he tells us about the great experience of his trip Coast to Coast through the United States and Canada


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