United States

What to see en route between New York and Niagara: Watkins Glen and Letchworth

Letchworth Nature Park in New York State
Letchworth Nature Park in New York State

If you are going to take a trip to see the east coast of the United States, you already know that two essential visits are New York and Niagara Falls.

When planning your trip, you have the option of traveling the distance that separates them on a route by car, a journey that would take you a little more than approximately 6 hours.

But, in addition to doing the route by car,what you can see between New York and Niagara?

If you have time, I am going to propose two stops in two natural parks whose visits will enrich your trip.

What to see between New York and Niagara

Is Watkins glen y Letchworth, natural parks which are also visitable if your route includes the city of Boston.

How to Visit Watkins Glen State Park

In the southern part of the lake region known as Fingers Lake will find a impressive natural park where you will have the sensation of finding yourself in one of the great jungles of Asia or South America.

Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State
Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State

It is a surprising and deep gorge created by erosion, which is covered by a leafy layer of forest that has been able to develop due to the tremendous humidity in the area.

The spectacular gorge of Watkins Glen State Park You can explore it along three different paths.

The first thing you should know is that only one of the three paths runs next to the river and it is the George Trail.

It is a route about 3 kilometers long where you will be struck by the density of the forests that have formed through the gorge.

During your walk you will find short sections, but with steep ascents using stairs, but without a doubt this path is the one that is most worth knowing.

Besides you have two more trails, Indian Trail y South rim, which run through the upper part of the gorge and provide you with beautiful views from the height of the gorge.

Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State
Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State

These two paths are much flatter, with continuous descents or ascents depending on where you start from.

Each one runs along one side of the gorge and is connected to each other by bridges along the trail.

At the highest point of the path you will find a small store where you can replenish energy, and if you need it, eat something before returning to the path.

How to Get to Watkins Glenn Park

For Get to Watkins Glen State Park, you must reach the town of the same name where you have two options.

The first, park in the lower part of the park and walk the path up and down.

Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State
Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State

Or the option of doing just one trip, since you have a bus that will take you to the upper area to do it only on the way down, or if you prefer, you can walk up and then return on the aforementioned bus.

If you go in high season, a recommendation is to go fairly early to be able to enjoy the trail without too many tourists accompanying you.

Admission to Watkins Glen State Park is free; The only thing you have to pay is the parking at the access to the gorge, which will cost you between 6 and 10 dollars for the whole day.

If you are going to need accommodation in your travel plan to include this recommended visit, in the town of Watkins You can find hotels almost at the foot of the trail.

Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State
Watkins Glen Nature Park in New York State

In high season the available accommodation can be scarce, so searching in the surrounding towns is a very good option, in addition to significantly reducing the price of the room.

In the video that accompanies this article you can see the route we took, traveling two of the three trails of the Watkins Glen State Park.

On the way, the George Trail that follows the course of the river, and on the way back, the Indian Trail, on an excursion that took us almost two hours.

How to Visit Letchworth State Park

El Letchworth Nature Park It is a perfect appetizer before reaching Niagara Falls since it is less than two hours away.

Letchworth State Park is known as the eastern grand canyon, but with a big difference, it is full of vegetation and fauna, especially birds and wolves.

The great attraction that this natural park has are its three waterfalls, which are found along the river at different heights.

In your excursion to Letchworth State ParkIn addition to walking the numerous trails, you have several activities to do, such as Rafting along the river, and different areas to visit, such as the various viewpoints that you will find on your walk.

At the visitor center at the entrance they will provide you with all the information about what you can do during your visit to the park, which if you limit yourself to walking the main path can take you about two hours.

Letchworth State Park ticket prices

In the case of Letchworth State Park  Access is not free as you will have to pay a fee. entry price of 10 dollars, which will be reimbursed if you eat at the restaurant located inside the park.

Letchworth Nature Park in New York State
Letchworth Nature Park in New York State

It is a restaurant set in typical classic American rural houses, which even has a room used as a museum where you will see historical objects.

If barbecues are your thing, you can if you want to make your own inside the park since they have several areas equipped for it.

Of course, you will have to bring your own food since there is nowhere inside the park where you can buy it.

Regarding accommodation, the most interesting option is to sleep inside the park itself, where you will find a camping area with small wooden huts. bungalow.

Of course, it has the disadvantage that you must make the reservation well in advance since there are few booths available.

Letchworth Nature Park in New York State
Letchworth Nature Park in New York State

If you are looking for another option, I would definitely recommend staying in the town of headphones, which is the most central entrance to the park and gives you the best access to the southern area, which is where most of the activities and visits are located.

In any case, sleeping in one of the surrounding towns is also a good option, since there are several hotels, motels, and even rental houses.

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About the Author

Carlos Sarralde

A great traveler from a very young age, Carlos is one of the founders of Guías Viajer, where he tells us about his experiences in the most varied countries in the world, from the United States and Sri Lanka, to Greenland and French Polynesia.


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