United States

What is the experience of crossing the border from Canada to the United States?

Oil pumps in North Dakota
Oil pumps in North Dakota

On the road again & again!!! in this new stage of coast-to-coast road trip through the United States and Canada.

770 more kilometers from Moose Jaw en Canada a Jamestown, riding a North Dakota, now back in the United States.

The landscape of the journey is similar to that of the previous day, with large areas of land, very flat, cultivated with wheat and sunflowers, with cattle and scattered oil wells.

From Moose Jaw We went straight to the border with the United States.

Crossing this border was quite an experience: it took us an hour due to all the questions and verifications that were asked of us, more especially to me than to Aurora.

They asked us both together first, and then privately.

A relatively attentive agent asked me everything: when we arrived in the United States; when we leave for Canada; why we enter again; when we had the return flight; whether it was directly to Spain or somewhere else.

They made me empty my pants and shirt pockets, and asked us for explanations for the data that appeared on some papers where we wrote down the addresses to program the GPS: how could we afford to be without work for so long; if the car was rented; to present the rental papers to verify it.

Landscape of long straights on the road through North Dakota
Landscape of long straights on the road through North Dakota

Finally, after checking everything, they decided that I was not dangerous or an illegal immigrant. In the end, the agent, correct and young, made a face, told me that everything was correct and said “Welcome to the United States of America!”

It was even exciting.

We continue on our way to Jamestown, already very hungry.

We stopped in the city of Minot, in North Dakota. The city has about 38,000 inhabitants and is the commercial center of the area.

At one point during the journey we left the road to go see up close one of the devices, machines or pumps that extract oil from the subsoil and channel it through pipes to tanks.

Nobody watches them apparently “in-situ”.

We have seen many, both in the southern United States and now in this area. We got out of the car and took the necessary photographs.

Oil pumps near Jamestown in North Dakota
Oil pumps near Jamestown in North Dakota

Today we had a very good Tex-Mex meal at a restaurant called Gryzzly's.

Around 19 p.m. we arrived at Jamestown, place where we spent the night. Jamestown is a small town of about 16,000 residents.

Once we located the hotel in a half-residential, half-commercial area, we drove around, stopping at a business to visit it and entering a supermarket to buy something for dinner.

We continue enjoying the road. Pure Life!!! Fantastic sun all day, clear, blue, clean day.

About the Author

Salvador Samaranch

Salvador is a great traveler and collaborator of Guías Viajer, where with a series of articles he tells us about the great experience of his trip Coast to Coast through the United States and Canada


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